Dear Family,
Well it's insane it's been over 6 months.... Thanks for the reminder, but it sounds like everything is going great back home. Puedo desfrutar leyendo que mi hermana ha escritido. Si solo Madre puede entender tambien. That's great you guys made it to Elder Parkin's homecoming,he was a bit quiet but he knew his scriptures real well. It's been a great transition with the new companion. His name is Elder Stewart from Orem Utah. I was just noticing last week that I don't have any pictures of me and my previous companions.......... Que Padre. But me and Elder Stewart are doing great together were just working on getting our teaching down together oftern times we've been going two directions in lessons but we're getting it figured out real quick. It's been crazy to think how much I've learned up to this point in the scriptures, in missionary work, and en espanol. Estoy todavia trabajando en mi idioma misional pero casi alla.
This week has been a great one like I said we had a less active family at church that we're working with. We also had the big stake conference so I got to meet up with my old companion elder Carling. And I finally got the scoop on what happened with the people we were working in my last area. The O family dropped on their baptismal day which was a little sad but they're still doing great the mom just needs a better spiritual confirmation. I'm going to write them a letter this next week. And Brother R Got BAPTIZED!!!!! I'm super super excited. He's gone out to lessons with the missionaries and has bore some great testimony and helped destroy some doubts of other investigators..... That news made my mission!!!! Also N the older Lady that was in the family picture I sent you got baptized also so that was super exciting too. It's great to hear what the spark you started has become.
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